The disaster zone! (We've changed it all since this photo but...)
Hello all,
Some of our friends and family have been asking what Levi would like for Christmas. I thought this might a good a place as any to post his wishlist. This is just for people who were planning on giving a gift this year and there is no pressure! He won't notice if he doesn't get anything. :)
-walking toys. It looks like we are on our way to having an early walker so, push-toys and other toys for little ones learning to walk would be welcome.
-shoes for 9-12 months
-a ball for rolling around (and probably crawling after!).
-clothes for 9 months and up. Specifically warmer clothes in the 9-12 month range. ex.: sweaters, lined pants, long sleeved shirts/onesies.
-money for his education fund.
-He has a good start on his toy collection but if you are really excited about toys for him, Levi would appreciate wooden toys (or other renewable/safe/recyclable materials) and toys without batteries. ( Melissa and Doug is a great company, for example)
* pre-loved items and hand-me-downs are welcome!
I will update if anything else comes up.