Monday, March 29, 2010

Aunts and cousins come to visit

The three cousins did a fine job of making a mess in our living room. It was great the way they played together!
Ben and Levi liked riding in the double stroller on our way to the park. Billy got to feed ducks for the first time.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

First birthday coming up

A couple elves gave Levi an early present of some sand toys in a small wagon. Contact me with questions or concerns.
Levi also has the "that's not my Monkey" and "That's Not My Puppy" books.

Hello all,
So we are nearing our son's first birthday celebration. I have had requests for gift ideas. We, by no means, NEED all this stuff but I was getting into the brainstorming! I hope this helps those of you who were planning to give him something. Please do not feel obligated to get anything. Also, money for Levi's education is always welcome.

Birthday wishlist:

Levi is soon getting old enough to enjoy wooden puzzles (check the age level for each puzzle).

Books are a big hit in our house and especially the hardier board books so Levi can turn the pages.
Some book ideas are:
Eric Carle books
Usborne 'Baby Jigsaw' books and 'Lift and Look Flap' books and 'That's Not My...' books.
Little Blue Truck Board Book (Board book)
by Alice Schertle

A wooden wagon I am sure would be well loved and used.

Bigger cars/trucks etc that he can push around on the carpet or outside.

We don't have a shape sorter cube and I notice these are popular with kids his age. :)

Levi might enjoy sand toys for the summer.

We are pretty well covered for clothes at this point (thanks to Billy and Ben and neighbours!!).
Although we are short on shoes and socks. It seems that Levi is a size 3 toddler shoe at the moment but quickly outgrowing them.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring renovations

We dug up the beds on our patio and planted most of our garden on Friday. Levi got right into it and you can tell by how dirty his overalls are. His favourite part was holding the hose.

Dad introduced Levi to his first worm. He was not terribly impressed. I don't think there is a spot in the baby book for 'first worm encounter' but it seemeed significant nonetheless.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

groovin' to the tunes

Levi can't get enough of Dad's rock 'n roll.