Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas baking

Another of my dreams about motherhood has come ture: baking and decorating sugar cookies with my children! Oliver was more of a spectator this year but Levi had a wonderful time 'painting' the cookies and putting sprinkles on.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Our friend's realty company held an open skate today. Levi had his first skate and did pretty good. Just one slip, but otherwise made it around the rink a couple times with dad's help.
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Monday, December 5, 2011

Our first tree

I don't know why I can't turn this photo upright, but here is Dad and Levi choosing our first ever Christmas tree.

This is what happens when Mom goes out with a friend. And below, Levi shows off his first handmade ornament he made at daycare. Beautiful!

p.s. You may have noticed Chris' new fashion statement. It seems that MOvember has moved on to MOcember and the 'stache may be here MOever.
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