The same basic interests apply : construction work, trucks, firetrucks, and dinosaurs. He also likes the post office and pandas. He has many stuffies and toy figures and vehicles (except firetrucks) but clothing or books with these themes would be great.
more ideas:
*Sunflower seeds (under 8foot tall flowers) and kids gardening gloves and tools (not plastic, as he knows the the real grown-up stuff from the imposters!)
*these Alphabet magnets or these. Levi is learning his ABCs quickly and is curious how to put them together for words!!!
*jigsaw puzzles age 3+ (perhaps this? He has the vehicle version and loves it)
*money toward a tricycle
Also, I am working on putting together several play kits for Levi. I am finding storage bins that work best for us but if you want to claim one to supply (or help out with) the pieces I know he'd get a lot out of them.
Post office kit: rubber stamps (Cute!)and kid friendly ink pads, scale, envelopes (think recycle and reuse), stickers as stamps, labels, sorting bags, mail bag etc.
Market kit: recycled, clean, small packages; 'money' (we have some Canadian Tire money); 'credit cards'; fruit (he has veggies); balance; cash register or large calculator; mesh or cloth shopping bag.
Tinkering kit: recycled paper tubes, hole punch, tape, yarn/string, pieces of cardboard, large clips and any other fun things to get creative with.
Please remember that we are happy to receive pre-loved items so feel free to give hand-me-downs, shop thrift or consignment and get creative!