Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas baking

Another of my dreams about motherhood has come ture: baking and decorating sugar cookies with my children! Oliver was more of a spectator this year but Levi had a wonderful time 'painting' the cookies and putting sprinkles on.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Our friend's realty company held an open skate today. Levi had his first skate and did pretty good. Just one slip, but otherwise made it around the rink a couple times with dad's help.
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Monday, December 5, 2011

Our first tree

I don't know why I can't turn this photo upright, but here is Dad and Levi choosing our first ever Christmas tree.

This is what happens when Mom goes out with a friend. And below, Levi shows off his first handmade ornament he made at daycare. Beautiful!

p.s. You may have noticed Chris' new fashion statement. It seems that MOvember has moved on to MOcember and the 'stache may be here MOever.
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Monday, November 14, 2011


Our littlest guy is quite the smiley charmer. Who can resist a dimple and such chubby cheeks?

Saturday, November 12, 2011


We were lucky enough to find a trumpet on the "free table" in our parking garage today. Levi is now a trumpet enthusiast. "I don't like saxophones, I like trumpets Mama."

After we watched a quick how to video on youtube, he was off to the races.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Xmas list *edited

Hello all,
We will have more photos soon. Chris is shopping after work for a new camera. In the meantime, I thought I would start listing ideas for Christmas presents for the boys if anyone is interested.

For Levi:
He loves garbage/recycling trucks, construction vehicles and firetrucks and police officers. Books, clothes (especially long sleeved shirts) or toys on these themes would likely be a hit.
jigsaw puzzles with 12 or more pieces. The 3-5 year old range seems good for him.
Levi loves matching and would like a 'Memory' or matching card/tile game.Again, in the 3+ age group.
We are hoping to start a dress-up chest for the kids. Any costumes or costume pieces, especially in the above themes are good. (He has a hard hat already and will be getting a firefighter and train engineer outfit).
bath crayons

For Oliver:
Winter clothes 6 months sized. Cozy pants in this size would be great.
We'll need baby gates now that we have stairs so a contribution toward these would be appreciated.
Oliver is ready for a playmat: 'Infantino Square Twist and Fold Activity Gym, vintage boy',
For both Levi and Oliver, contributions toward their education funds are always welcome.
For mom, dad and Oliver: 'Skip Hop' Pronto Diaper Changer Kit
that's all for now...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

summer is here!

Above is our new and MUCH improved backyard/patio being thoroughly enjoyed by our little guy. Thanks dad, for digging out the jungle! Note the great metal Tonka dump truck and grader that dad tracked down. I don't know who was more excited, dad or Levi.

Our neighbour has a beautiful garden plot that she is sharing with us. Levi got down there for the first time today and had his first wheelbarrow ride. An important milestone in a child's life, I think.

After the garden this morning we stopped at the spray park to cool off.
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

cresent beach

We made a short but sweet trip to the beach this morning since it finally felt a little more like summer. Jellybean even got a bit of sun!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011