Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the latest...

So these pictures have nothing to do with the latest news but it has been impossible to capture on camera so far. Levi is starting to WALK!! He took his first steps yesterday while both mom and dad were watching him. He took three steps before tumbling and was very proud of himself. He has been trying here and there to take a few more and is getting more confident in standing alone. It begins!
p.s. Levi is 9 months old today.

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  1. Wow, walking. Just amazing. Love that look in the last photo. Great stuff.

  2. Levi, you'll be running by the time Grandma and Grandpa return. Grandpa wants to know if you'll want to play street hockey with him.

  3. Such cute pictures and exciting news. Yay, Levi!
