Friday, June 21, 2013

Forest Discovery Centre

Thanks to Aunite Ruth, we went to the Forest Discovery centre and the boys loved it! We will have to go back MANY more times and pack a picnic next time. The train ride was great and there were sooo many machines to discover. Little boy heaven.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend a day exploring. Some great looks and smiles from the boys. Thanks Aunt Ruth.

  2. Did you get to ride one of the trains? I just realized I've been there, but that was some time ago when I was trekking around BC in my VW van in the early 70's. You are lucky to have this and the Raptor Center and more in your backyard. Enjoy, and thanks for sharing your adventures.

  3. I'm a little late in the blog world...just seeing this now. So glad you had fun!
